Monday, January 4, 2010

Movin' on Up!

Hey, FitMommas, the blog has MOVED!  You can find me over at WordPress now at.....

Thanks a bunch!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Frugal Fitness

Everyone's fitness goals get tweaked a bit every year, but more and more, my fitness goals have become more than "eat better, get skinnier."  This year, I've added another layer to my fitness goals....Getting healthy & fit without breaking the bank.

Oooh, now that's another thing all together!  When you factor in gym memberships, decent workout shoes and gear, the higher costs of organic and all natural foods, getting fit and healthy on a budget is tougher than it might seem on the surface.

But when I factor in my individual family circumstances, I gotta bite the budget bullet.  Our income has gone down while our expenses have gone up.  And while I dabble in some home-based businesses, being a stay home mom of three isn't exactly a lot-of-time-on-your-hands kind of job!  So Budget Cutting is our name in these parts!

And I figure I'm not the only Momma trying to figure out how to live like Jillian Michaels on a Sanford & Son income.  So in addition to Healthy Family Eating and Increased Family Activity, I'm adding Being Fit & Healthy on a Budget to my list of fitness goals.  I'll be on the lookout for sales, deals, freebies that affect us FitMommas, and pass them on to you.  I would love any leads you may find out there, too.  After all, we are all in this together!  

So Happy New Year to all you FitMommas out there, and I look forward to getting and staying fit and healthy with keeping our money in the bank!