This was a Murphy's Law morning - whatever could go wrong, was going wrong. But I struggled through (to the point of tears welling up in my eyes) and got myself and the boys to the park for Stroller Aerobics with my FitMommas. I struggled through the workout, but in the back of my mind, I could tell ... my body was loving it. And now I feel Fantastic! I don't smell so good, but I feel great!
Eating? Well, I need to work on it. The dog ate my breakfast this morning when my 3yo had a "Mommy, I have to go peepee!" moment. So I've eaten half a piece of dry raisin bread today. Not too great.
Me time? HOping to make it to a free Piloga class that a local church offers tonight at 8pm. If that doesn't happen, then when the boys get to bed and my hubby and 10yo daughter are chillin' on the couch, I'll retreat to the bedroom for a few yoga breaths and stretches.
I can do it! can you!
Just so you see that I try to practice what I preach! LOL!.... this morning, despite the "what can go wrong, will go wrong" theme of the day, I managed to get myself and the boys to stroller aerobics with my FitMommas, and got in a good workout. It was a struggle, but of course, I FEEL GREAT! I need to work ou