Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Looking for the Best Workout Video?

If you like to workout at home using exercise videos....well, I'm not much help in that department because I pretty much suck at working out to videos at home. We're cleaning out the basement right now, and today I came across my stash of workout tapes...that I never use! Buns of Steel, Abs of Steel, Tae Bo, Windsor Pilates, The Firm.....ugh, the money I have spent!

However.....I know that there are those of you who LOVE workout tapes, who, in fact, thrive on working out in the privacy of your own home, without anyone else passing judgement on either your form or those workout pants. And I applaud you. So here is my gift to you...

Collage Video is the single best source for those who use workout videos at home. They don't just SELL videos, they DO them. And if the workouts SUCK, they don't sell them just to make a buck! The descriptions are written by those professionals who've done the workouts, so there's no hype. Their online search will get you exactly what you're looking for, or you can peruse their paper catalog by category. I can't vouch for their prices, but their expertise and independent reviews are unmatched.

I expect their check in the mail any day. In the meantime, enjoy that gift...from me to you.


patty thomas said...

Hey there! Came across your post and you are right, Collage Video is hands down the best source to purchase exercise videos. But the other option is there are several websites now that offer online exercise videos and they are very reasonably priced and most have pretty good videos by "real" instructors--the kind you find in your local health club. If you want to find them, just do a search for "online exercise videos" I use Workouts On Demand, but there are several good ones out there, here are 2 that I found.


Good luck!


Amy @ FitMommas said...

Thanks for the tip, Patty!